Bookkeeping Services to Support Small Businesses through Every Stage of Growth

Vector Portland Bookkeeping services help companies large and small organize their finances so that owners can effectively manage their business operations. Our uniquely skilled team allows a full suite of accounting and financial modeling services.

Why We Believe in Weekly Bookkeeping Services

We used to offer monthly, quarterly and even annual bookkeeping services but we found through experience these service intervals are just too far apart for us to establish efficient and effective accounting partnership with our clients. So we moved to a Weekly service model. This model allows us to keep in constant contact with our clients to fulfill their needs and to better understand their business and issues that we can help solve. As we like to say here at Vector, accounting information is contemporaneous, will you really remember what and why you spent $20 at Walmart last month?

A Fresh Start

Just starting your business? We take new companies and start them off on the right track. We help our clients capture all of their startup expenses for maximum tax deductions. With a fresh start we are also provided the opportunity to help you navigate what software and services best fit your situation. With our experience and expertise we will help you design an accounting system that will grow with your business and avoid pitfalls that can be hard to see down the road.

Catch Up or Clean Up

Do you have a mess on your hands? Haven’t filed taxes because your books are behind? We can help you get back on track. We start by doing a full dive review on your current state of books. Once we have finished our review we will bring you a plan on how to complete the work and get you into a regular maintenance mode. We can move fast on these projects but it is a team effort, we will need you to provide the information we need to complete the project. Generally, time to completion is dependent on how quickly you can provide us the missing information we need.

Regular Maintenance

This is our preferred state of accounting. This is just a result of good bookkeeping and clean books. Once we have you caught up and in a system of thoughtful design, we now have at most a week of bookkeeping work that may need to be completed. In other words, your books will always be up-to-date. Not only will this be the piece of mind most business owners are ultimately seeking, it will allow us and you to start working “on the business” not “in the business.” Usually, when we are at this stage with a client, we begin to look at all areas of the business, both financially and operationally that we can start improving upon.


Our professional payroll service provides savings in time and money, greater data security, and the comfort of knowing your accounts are in order — these are all compelling reasons for millions of businesses to outsource their payroll. For many businesses, payroll services offer an attractive and valuable alternative to in-house processing. Chosen correctly, they provide a less expensive, simpler means of paying your employees, filing your taxes, and performing a host of other duties.

Accounts Payable & Receivable

We can help you manage your bills so you know how much you owe, when you need to pay and even help you get the bills paid directly. These are important functions for some businesses, we will help you make sure you know who owes you what and when. Don’t let another invoice go unpaid and let us help you make sure you are not leaving any money on the table.

Document Retention

Are you compliant to IRS standards? Can you produce the receipt for the Costco purchase you made last year? We can help you get compliant to document retention standards. We currently use Dext to make sure every expense is documented so if you are ever audited, not only will you have full documentation, you will save countless hours trying to substantiate your deductions.

Implement Systems, Improve Processes, & Leverage Automation & Integrations

While not a traditional service offered by bookkeepers and accountants, our decades of experience designing and improving business systems is offered to all of our clients. We believe this to be one of the most valuable services we offer at Vector and we hope you take full advantage of it.

We know that the above has a lot of bullet points and it might be difficult to understand what working with us is actually like. Bottom line, you can expect to interact with us at least weekly, we try our hardest to not be a bother but we also try to balance that with being an actual present partner to your business.

Every week we will send you an email detailing exactly what we have done for the week, requesting information we might need and include our standard reports or any custom reports you might have requested. You will know that your accounting is complete and up-to-date and can rest with the peace of mind that professionals are taking care of your business for you. 


Some clients have a standing weekly meeting with us in which we discuss current accounting items and needs, future plans and ideas, or just brainstorm together to carry the business to the next level. Some clients prefer to interact only through email on a weekly basis, oftentimes just answering the questions and returning the documents we request.

We are personal, reachable, professional and truly strive to be one of the best hires you make.